Gepubliceerd op 8 mei 2009 om 14:54 door Rensdesim


De Sims 3 is GOLD. Dat betekent dat hij klaar is en nu naar de drukpers gaat. Zie het volgende bericht van Anita.

The Sims 3 GOES GOLD


Time to Celebrate and Gear Up for The Sims 3 Launch on June 2, 2009


The EA Sims Studio is pleased to announce that The Sims 3,the highly-anticipated flagship game from the best-selling PC franchise The Sims, has gone gold for the PC and Mac, is off to manufacturing and will be available in stores in 60 countries from June 2, 2009.


In The Sims 3, you have more options than ever before to create and play with unique, life-like Sims. Customize your Sims’ appearances and choose up to five traits to create individual personalities. New goal-oriented game-play enables you to choose which short or long-term objectives you want your Sims to pursue. You can choose to make them happy or not! You can also create and edit your own movies by capturing game-play moments or selecting from a library of clips. Then join The Sims 3online community where you can show off all your creations, get free bonus content, hear the latest news and more!


The Sims 3will be available for purchase at retail and online through digital distribution for $49.99 starting June 2 at The Sims 3 Collector’s Edition, available at select retailers for $69.99, will include the full game along with an additional collectable 2GB The SimsPlumbob™ USB drive, tips and hints guide and a bonus in-game European-styled sports car unavailable elsewhere.


The Sims 3 was developed by The Sims Studio and is rated T for Teen. To download artwork, visit For more information about The Sims 3, go to


Belangrijk: De release voor amerika is 2 juni hier is het 4 juni.

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