Introducing: The Sims Medieval Stories

sims middeleeuwen
Gepubliceerd op 28 februari 2011 om 20:27 door Rensdesim

We are happy to announce The Sims Medieval Stories. It’s not the next sims Medieval game or expansion. It’s an website to show the stories you’ve created using the Sims Medieval. The website will be available worldwide and free to use (You may have to pay money for more storage but you will find out when we launch). We hope to launch the site on 22 March 2011. So you can start creating you stories as soon as you have the game.

And I keep saying we because I’m not the only one working on this project. and if you also want to help please contact us at info[at]thesimsmedievalstories[dot]com.

We hope hope you will like The Sims Medieval Stories.

To fansites: feel free to post this on your website. Keep in mind that I’m not doing this in name of simlicious but in name of renssies.

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