De Sims 3 gaat groen!

sims 3 store
Gepubliceerd op 19 april 2010 om 18:06 door Rensdesim

De Sims 3 wordt binnenkort nog groener. EA heeft aangekondigd een Store set uit te gaan brengen met windmolens, zonnepanelen (denk aan sims 2 villa en tuin) en een elektrische auto van renault. Hieronder kun je het bericht in Engels lezen. Sims 3 Nieuws heeft ook nog wat video’s.

Een leuke bijkomstigheid is dat renault tegen kerst hun kleur van geel naar groen heeft verandert (het logo is geel maar de kleur van het bedrijf is groen). En wat is de kleur van De Sims? Juist groen.

Electronic Arts and Renault Announce Exclusive Agreement With The Sims 3

Players “Drive The Change” and Reap Benefits of Electric Vehicles Inside World’s Best-selling PC Franchise*

LONDON, Apr 19, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ:ERTS) and Renault today announced a multi-year agreement that will enable players of The SimsTM 3 PC/Mac to integrate Renault’s forthcoming range of electric vehicles into one of the world’s most successful entertainment franchises across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Asia.

This Spring, Renault’s Twizy Z.E Concept car – will be made available to download free of charge** by The Sims 3 players within an ‘Electric Vehicle Pack’ (EVP), which will comprise a number of sustainable environmental items including solar panels and a windmill. The use of the EVP inside The Sims 3 will have positive repercussions for a player’s in-game family by reducing their weekly virtual household bills.

“This partnership delivers benefits for Renault and the consumer that are unique in today’s media landscape,” said Elizabeth Harz, Senior Vice President of Global Media Sales for EA. “Millions of The Sims 3 players will be able to download Renault concept vehicles and have a deep experience with the brand, while receiving genuine added gameplay value.”

“The Sims 3 players have demonstrated consistent enthusiasm for bringing cool ‘real world’ brands into their virtual world,” said Steve Seabolt, VP of Global Brand Development for The Sims. “We’re excited to work with Renault on their electric vehicles and have them available for download for The Sims 3.”

“Electric vehicles are going to appeal to younger, more socially conscious customers and especially early adopters,” said Stephen Norman, SVP, Global Marketing for the Renault Group. “This is the heartland of The Sims 3 community and it thus provides a great innovative way to build the Renault Brand just ahead of the Renault range of affordable electric vehicles themselves.”

This partnership was negotiated by OMD Fuse International on behalf of Renault.


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