Het is niet voorbij met de rabbit holes

sims 3 ambities
Gepubliceerd op 16 april 2010 om 16:41 door Rensdesim

Slecht nieuws. Het is nog niet over met de (standaard) rabbitholes in de sims 3 Ambities. Alle rabbit holes die r nu zijn zullen blijven op het ziekenhuis na. Deze kun je voortaan wel bezoeken :D. Hieronder het bericht.

After an amiable exchange with the folks at Electronic Arts, Beefjack has learned that The Sims 3: Ambitions will not be enhancing most of the current careers in the game. That means that places like Llama Memorial Stadium will still remain rabbit holes. The medical career stands as the only pre-existing workplace that will be upgraded. Working as a Doctor, one will be able to play around with features like house calls and prescribing experimental pharmaceuticals.

In TS3: Ambitions, users will be able to participate in what may have been the most prevalent user wish since the series debut: The work day. This overwhelming desire to explore the occupational life of our simulated people is being placated via a variety of new career types. Indeed, Ambitions is revolutionizing the gameplay of the series by drastically adding to a user’s experience (a necessity to any good Sims 3 expansion according to a related article on Beefjack).

When The Sims 3: Ambitions arrives in stores on June 1, 2010, you can expect it to provide the long awaited ability to actively participate in your Sims’ job. It will not, however, be opening the door to most of the current rabbit hole careers.

Bron: Simprograms (via Sims3Nieuws.nl)

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