Sims 3 Ambities Factsheet

sims 3 ambities
Gepubliceerd op 14 maart 2010 om 11:44 door Rensdesim


Who Will You Be?

Product Description

Become Fearless Heroes and Ace Entrepreneurs

As the second expansion pack to The Sims™ 3, the best-selling PC game of 2009*, The Sims 3 Ambitions allows you to pursue a variety of exciting paths and careers in your Sims’ lives that in turn affect your overall gameplay experience and neighborhood. While on the job, you have direct control over your Sims’ work and can choose how they spend their days. Decide whether your Sim will be the brave town hero or cause loads of mischief among their neighbors. Make your Sim save the day as a brave firefighter, change the town as a leading architect, or live on the edge as a ghost hunter. Choose the path of a stylist and explore the new tattoo system to make over your Sim neighbors in fashionable or catastrophic ways.

Will your Sim find success as a billionaire high-tech inventor or eke out a living as a bumbling mad scientist? Will they uncover secrets as a private investigator by dusting for prints or will they rough up suspects for information? For the first time, you are in charge of how your Sims’ career progresses and you decide if they will work for good or evil, pursue creative endeavors or technical affairs, climb to the top quickly, or be a slacker. The future of a Sims’ success or failure is entirely in your hands.

*Requires The Sims 3 for PC/MAC to play.
**According to NPD data.

Key Features
¨ VARIETY: Be a hero or mess with the neighbors as a firefighter, private investigator, doctor, ghost hunter and more!
¨ CONTROL: For the first time ever, you control your Sims’ actions and interactions while they’re on the job.
¨ IMPACT: Your Sims’ on-the-job choices now change their town and affect other Sims. Modify the town’s structure as an architect or set neighborhood fashions as a stylist.
¨ NEW ACTIVITIES: Master the arts of inventing, sculpting and tattooing using your skills to earn Simoleons and advance your lifetime happiness.
¨ BONUS CONTENT: Register your game to get access to exclusive online content such as private eye cases, hairs, widgets for the inventing bench and sculptures to create with the sculpting station.

Product Specifications
Publisher: Electronic Arts Inc.
Developer: The Sims Studio
Ship Date: June 1, 2010 (PC/MAC)
Category: Simulation/Strategy

© 2010 Electronic Arts Inc. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Bron: Sims 3 Nieuws

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