Het Grote Simposium Post

Gepubliceerd op 29 oktober 2009 om 19:17 door Rensdesim

Header Simposium

Vandaag om 19:00 vind het simposium plaats. In deze post houd ik jullie op de hoogte met updates. Hou deze post dus in de gaten voor updates.

Update 18:16: Thesims3.com is offline

Update 18:16: 2 video’s van simvip:

Update 18:18: Er komt een tool bij de sims 3 wereldavonturen om eigen buurten te maken:

The word is out on the first EA Custom Content tool along the lines of “Create A World”. More details to come about custom neighborhoods!

Update 18:47: Ze zijn nieuwe De Sims 3 Wereldavonturen aan het vertonen.

Update 18:55: Er zitten nieuwe recepten in De Sims 3 Wereldavonturen welke is nog niet bekend.

Update 18:58: The Sims 3.com is terug online alleen firefox gebruikers hebben problemen.

Update 19:00: Nieuwe Foto’s op Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ts3simposium/


Update 19:08: Er zijn nieuwe daken. Vooral veel Chinese daken

Update 19:09: Je kunt Visa punten verdienen en er later iets mee kopen (misschien op de lokale markt?)

Update 19:15: Nieuwe foto op Flickr:


Update 19:17: Nieuwe Boeken, Fortune Cookies maker(geluks koekjes maker), een slangenbezweerdersmand en het stampen van nectar doen ze in hun zwemkleding

Update 19:20: Er is een speciaal avonturen dagboek.

Update 19:33: Het is even stil want ze krijgen een tour over de EA Campus

Update 19:44: Nieuwe Foto: (laadscherm?Ja laadscherm kijk maar onder zie je een gedeelte van de pictogrammmen)


Update 19:47: Een gemaakte foto kun je verkopen

Update 20:46: Ze hebben geluncht en vliegen nu als kinderen de ea store binnen

Update 21:04: Weer een nieuwe foto:


Update 21:29: Ze tonen nu de tool om buurten te maken

Update 21:31: De Tool om buurten te maken komt uit in december melden ze op twitter

Update 21:36: Het is erg makkelijk om straten te maken

Update 21:37: Foto van de buurten tool:


Update 21:56: ze zeggen dat je zelfs lava om je buurt/stad heen kunt leggen

Update 21:57: Nieuwe Foto:


Update 22:21: Patricia van sims 3 Nieuws heeft gesproken:

Patricia: I think The Sims 3 WA is amazing! So much to discover. And I’m about to play it. MUWHAHA! *cough cough*

Update 22:23: Tweets van andere:

Tweety: Hi everyone! 🙂 That expansion pack is AMAZING! WOW! I love Egypt ^^

Simvip: Hey everyone!!! Salve galera! This is Mark Joshua bringing the news from Simposium. World creator Tool! This is it! Em breve!

Shtinky: Hi everyone! Just about to jump into World Adventures for the first time. The Sphinx is amazing – my first destination!

Simvip: Novos skins, novas texturas, novas roupas. Egito, China e Franca. Tudo muito incrivel! A Torre Eifell eh GIGANTE!!!!!!

Simvip: I think we`re gonna spend a long long time inside the new E.P.

Update 22:27: Berichten op facebook:

peacemaker_ic: wow the thing i have seen. i can’t wait to use the create a world tool. its awesome!

Update 22:29: Nog meer twitter:

Laku: Hi everybody, It’s really cool to be there!! Time to play World Adventures now

Update 22:37: nog meer getwitter:

Simvip: Wooooooooooooooo The Egypt!

Pour les francophones, je suis Marianne du site WallSims et je suis a San Francisco pour decouvrir le nouvel add on des sims 3

Update 22:39: Nieuwe Foto met groep:


Update 22:41: Nog meer Facebook:

Eden: the new Expansion pack and Create a World tool are AMAZING! You can also create your own adventures!

Update 22:45: Nog meer twitter van patrcia ze kan niet spelen want hij computer is uitgevallen:

Patricia: Computer shut off just a second ago. NOO!! Restarting game. Interview later on. 🙂

Patricia: By the way: China is B-E-A-utiful!

Update 22:51: Twitter van patricia:

Patricia: Did you know you can travel between 3 and 12 days? Of course the length depends on your visa level.

Update 23:05: Nog meer patricia:

Patricia: There are also fortune cookies you can bake in China. And you can create your own fortune text!

Update 23:09: Koekjes?

Wow… the cookies for the snacks are still warm.. EA spoils us.

Update 23:16:

Patricia: In China, when you feel like visiting the city, you’ll have a bike to ride to the city. Or any other place you want to visit.

Patricia: You don’t have to explore a tombe to gain relics. You can also buy a vase from the local store and fine some in it.

Update 23:19: Een goodie:


Update 23:20: Patricia: Responding to a job ad at the base camp already gives 10 Visa points.

Update 23:29: Mmmm… warm skittles. And CAStable stairs and fences!

Update 23:31:Patricia: Interview in 5 minutes. Teehee!

Update 23:32: Anjubee: TONS of new objects in buy and build mode too! Definitely need to buy it just for all the new stuff!

Update 23:33: Fortune cookies (tekst is: In the end there are three things that last. Hope, love en lifetime rewards points.):


Update 23:37:

peacemake_ic: so happy there are even more plants to choose from. great for my lots. the statues look great from abstract rocks for zen gardens to formal lady statues for those french formal gardens. there is also the pagoda roof design from ts2

Update 23:38: Nieuwe Haarstijlen:


Update 23:46:

peacemaker_ic: the asian outfits are very authentic, the french is very modern as they are the fashion conscious society, the egyptian clothes are what you would expect and the explorer outfits look like brendan fraser in the mummy and indiana jones.

the terrain paints have been categorized with new grasses, stone, soil and miscellaneous added

Update 23:49:

Tweety: I love the World Adventures Soundtrack! It’s amazing!

Update 23:57: nieuwe kleding:


Update 0:02:

Laku: There are so many tombs and adventure in Egypt!

Update 0:06: Nog meer nieuwe kleding:


Update 0:15: Nieuwe Screens:


Update 0:18: Meer foto’s


Update 0:19:

Murano: The improved sky effects are breathtaking!

Update 0:24:

SterlingDT Playing with the world Creation tool!

Simvip:The arabian percursion in the Egypt soundtrack is amazing!

Update 0:25: Nieuwe Screens:


Update 0:37:

Patricia: 15 more minutes to play until we have to close the game. I don’t want to stop playing anymore!

Update 0:40: Nog meer kleding:


Update 0:41:

Patricia: My sim just learned a song from a local, called: ‘The love of Xing Lo’

Update 0:44: Nog meer screens:


Update 0:50: nog meer screens:


Update 0:56:

Tweety: Let’s go to France ^^

Patricia: On a base camp you don’t have to click on a door to make the rooms yours. You just have to jump in bed.

Patricia: However, you can set the door of your bedroom at the base camp as a front door. Interesting.

Update 1:01: Nog meer screens:


Update 1:04:

Bambi: There’s so much to do!! Exploring is sooo much fun! 🙂

Update 1:05: Nog meer screens:


Update 1:14:

Wolfsim68: There’s lots of new objects & build items to play with!

Wolfsim68: The new basement tool makes building basements a breeze!

Update 1:19:

Wolfsim68: The huge range of plants, rocks & terrain paints are wonderful.

Update 1:21:

peacemaker_ic: so happy create a world is coming out in december. all creaters alike rejoice!

Update 1:41: Eerste Cheat Bekend met dank aan Simoperations

allowObjectsOnRoofs on/off (Plaats objecten op het dak)

Update 10:48:

Anjubee: Had a great first day! Can’t wait to get my hands on it all day tomorrow!

Reactie op 29 oktober 2009 om 20:54 door uberVU - social comments

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