Binnenkort: Stones Throw Greenhouse

SimGuruTaterTot is een van de producers op de Sims 3 Store. Zij heeft een blog gemaakt over een premium content item wat veel mensen graag willen: een broeikas. “Stone Throw Greenhouse” zal binnenkort als locatie in de Sims 3 Store te krijgen zijn. Bij deze locatie krijg je 2 premium content items. Lees de hele blog hieronder.
I’ve worked with designer Alan Copeland to come up with his thoughts on our latest masterpiece: The Stones Throw Greenhouse Venue — which includes two new premium content, such as the Plants vs. Zombies Sunflower!A few weeks ago we mentioned that there are some really cool content coming to the Sims 3 Store over the next couple of months. Today I’m excited to preview one of my personal favorites, the Stones Throw Greenhouse! This venue is filled with more new objects and exclusive premium content than any other venue we’ve shipped before!
For the first time ever, we have four different glass roof sculpture pieces that allow you to build your own custom greenhouse, arboretum or sunlit breakfast nook.The new SwiftGro Gardening Station has a sprinkler system with a timer to let you water a group of plants all at the same time, a megaphone to let you talk to all of the plants in the garden patch, a composter to let you fertilize a bunch of plants within range, and a workbench to let you identify new seeds that you might find in your garden.The composter takes three fertilizers and combines them to feed all of the plants in the area. But what’s even more exciting is that the Stone’s Throw Greenhouse comes with the Plants VS. Zombies Sunflower, which produces the highest quality sunshine fertilizer for your garden! Drop some sunshine in your composter and watch the quality of your garden improve by leaps and bounds! But the fun doesn’t stop there. The Sunflower also loves to sing and dance with your Sim!Additionally there are over a dozen new objects to help you achieve gardening nirvana!
Bron: SimsVip