Nieuwe community blog de Sims 3 Jaargetijden
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Hi Simmers!
Today, I’m talking about another of the four seasons in The Sims 3 Seasons – SUMMER! Typically, in The Sims, every day is a sunny day. You and your Sims are probably used to clear weather and lots of sunshine. With the introduction of transformative weather effects in The Sims 3 Seasons, now you can play with summer as you never have before – with blisteringly high temperatures and heat waves!
It’s Hot in Here!
In The Sims 3 Seasons, the temperature of the world can change over the course of the day, transitioning from a cool, brisk morning to a scorcher by noontime. If your Sim is out in the heat for too long, they’ll start to sweat and may even spontaneously combust! But don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to keep cool. Wearing swimwear, holding a parasol, eating an ice cream or just heading indoors are some of the ways you can keep your Sim from overheating. And if you have the new “Immune to Heat” lifetime reward, your Sim can enjoy all the benefits of spending time in the heat without any of the negative side effects!
Speaking of the benefits of being out in the sun, summer is the perfect time to put on some swimwear and get a nice tan. Just be careful, lying under the hot sun for too long will result in a nasty sunburn instead of a bronze glow.
Other option is to spend a few Simoleons on a tan from the spray tan booth. But even the tanning booth isn’t a foolproof way to get an even tan. Results will vary from the successful to the downright hilarious, depending on whether malfunctions or pranking kids are involved.
Your Sims can also cool off by taking a dip in the pool, or better yet, leaping into it off of the brand new diving board! Once in the pool, your Sims can take a leisurely rest on the pool lounger. This floatable cushion of air is not only useful in the pool, but provides a nice way to relax when floating on the waves in the middle of the ocean.
For the first time in The Sims PC/Mac franchise, your Sims can swim in ANY ocean, river or lake that is in the world! For all of you world builders out there, your Sims can swim in the bodies of water you’ve created as well! As long as the ocean, river or lake is not on a residential or community lot, has a gradual slope into the water, and your Sims can walk to the coast, then they can dive right in!
Here is a Sim swimming during a rainy day in the big lake in Twinbrook…
…and a couple enjoying a romantic dip down the river in China.
After spending a day at the beach, head over to the summer festival. Each season has unique activities for your Sim to enjoy. During the summer, your Sims can get their faces painted, practice shooting soccer goals or even participate in a hot dog eating contest!
Your Sims can also make snow cones at the festival and purchase a machine for the home. The standard snow cone stand is great for outdoor parties, and the smaller one can be placed on kitchen counters for a refreshing mid-day treat.
Once the sun goes down, there’s still plenty to do! In addition to new fireworks, we now have firecrackers, including spinners, rockets, smoke bombs and more! Like swimming in the ocean, the firecrackers are also a year-round activity. During the summer, the grocery store will be holding a firecracker sale, so be sure to stock up for the rest of the year.
Since most of the firecrackers are too dangerous for kids to handle, we’ve added another firecracker option that’s safe for nearly all ages: sparklers! They come in two types, white and rainbow.
With tanning, festivals and new activities like swimming in the ocean and playing with fireworks, there’s plenty for your Sim to experience in The Sims 3 Seasons. Stay tuned for more information about the fun you can have with seasons in the newest expansion from The Sims 3.
-Charles Murakami, Associate Producer