Grote update komt

sims 3 ambities
Gepubliceerd op 9 mei 2010 om 11:41 door Rensdesim

IGN weet te vertellen dat er een grote update aan zit te komen voor de release van de Sims 3 Ambities. Deze voegt tatoeages toe aan de Sims 3 voor spelers die geen ambities hebben. We zijn dit maar weinig tatoeages en zul je waarschijnlijk  ook geen tatoeages kunnen downloaden. Ook krijg je meer opties om de buurt te bewerken.

Loyal Sims 3 fans who aren’t interested in professions can still expect a lot of changes to their game, as EA is planning a huge free update to go along with the expansion’s release. The first of the major new pieces of content is the ability for players to give their Sims tattoos. Without Ambitions players will only have access to a limited set of Tattoos, but they can still apply them to their characters and other Sims. Even with Ambitions the art seems fairly limited at first, but the range of what you can do with the images is impressive. Through resizing and layering players can create some fairly realistic and genuinely good-looking body art.

Other new features free to all players with the release of Ambitions are self-employment, more options with customizing a neighborhood, and increased build/buy features. Sims who have the proper skills like photography or painting can register as self employed, making it so players who are aspiring to a life goal that links to the skill will no longer have to live with that pesky “unemployed” title. The other neighborhood and build/buy features are pretty specific sounding to the uninitiated Sims player, but trust me when I say that players who love to customize the minutia of their town and buildings have a lot to look forward to with Ambitions whether they buy it or not.

Hopelijk lost deze update ook een lading aan problemen op. Het simsteam heeft al wel flink geinvesteerd in andere bedrijven die de problemen helpen te fixen dus de kans is er.

En ik mag ook hopen dat de Sims 3 en Mac eindelijk beter werken. Zo hebben sims rare shaduwen, is er geen ingame store en staan er are strepen door screenshots. Het sims team krijgt nu in ieder geval wel meer toegang tot de videokaarten van een Mac.

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