Simposium Dag 2

Het Simposium is weer begonnen. Vandaag is de laatste dag. Ik hou jullie weer op de hoogte via deze post maar vandaag niet tot middernacht want morgen staat er meer werk op mij te wachten.
Update 18:07:
Anjubee: I put a bunch of the new stuff in a basement and took a screenshot! Check out the goodies.
Update 18:26: meer nieuwe spullen:
Anjubee: More new stuff!
Update 18:35: Meer Nieuwe Screens:
Ruthless-KK: new garden gnomes for each area! I love them..a King Tut..a little Napoleon and a Mr Miagi looking guy.
Asante: Diary of a rookie simphotographer: Bought a camera in France, stalking locals at the market. It’s a lot of fun!
Update 18:54: Nog meer screens:
Update 18:55:Everyone’s got Plumbobs on their heads! No lie ;). We all got cool Plumbob headbands. We’re all Sims for Halloween :).
Update 18:58: meer foto’s:
peacemaker_ic: nectar making is fun but it can be slippery too!
Update 18:58: meer foto’s van de Create a World Tool:
Update 19:11: Sims zijn Sims aan het spelen:
It’s a room full of Sims with Plumbobs on their heads 🙂
Update 19:13: Nieuwe grond verven en De Gelukskoekjes machine:
TheSimMan/Thy: Loving the new terrain paints! You can create all sorts of wicked combinations with them 😉
Ruthless_kk: Your simmie can make fortune cookies and you can even write the fortunes!
Update 19:18:op de markt in china en Op de scooter in frankrijk:
Anjubee: Shopping in China
Asante: Future paparazza on her way to a new location…
Update 19:37:
Anjubee: Take this and that! Hiiiiya!
Update 19:51: Vuurwerk in sunset valley:
Update 19:53: Foto Dagboek:
Update 19:58: Meer Egypte:
Update 20:05:
Asante: About to enter the “belly of the beast”… eh sphinx…
Update 20:10:
Lunch time for us! Wonder what they got us.
Update 20:42: een dagboek:
Update 20:50: China:
Update 21:19:
Patricia: After visiting France, which is beautiful by the way, I can’t travel for 2 days. Give me some questions you want to know. 🙂
Patricia: By the way, crocodiles probably can be caught at and beyond fish skill level 4. They are very cute!
Patricia: But she makes ugly photo’s because she’s bad at making them, hehe.
Patricia: There are 2 kind of tents to buy. The first is the basic green one. Second is like a tiny cute house with 2 bedrooms.
Patricia: The shower in a can is hilarious by the way. Very funny to watch.
Update 21:20: Meer Screens:
Update 21:27:
Patricia: Trying to figure out how to put screenies. Hold on guys and girls.
Update 21:33: Nog wat screens van patricia:
Update 21:36:
Patricia: The rest will be posted by EA. By the way: If you put a croc in a fish bowl, it gets VERY small.
Patricia: I’m back to playing the game now!
Update 21:38: Het is genoeg voor vandaag. Morgen komen er overzichten van alles wat er is gebeurt vandaag.
Die Kansen die je kan krijgen lijken me leuk
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This post was mentioned on Twitter by renssies: Simposium Dag 2: Het Simposium is weer begonnen. Vandaag is de laatste dag.
Update 18:07:
Anjubee: ..
tank you
Okay, I speak English & German, so I understand some of what u guys are saying. Are you dutch? 🙂
Yes I am dutch.